
Program Staff

Program staff includes the Executive Director, Technical Director, Senior Advisor, Data Manager, and Program Coordinator who are all based at the UCSD Scripps Institution of Oceanography in La Jolla, CA.

Program Staff Listing


Executive Steering Committee

The Executive Steering Committee is made up of seven members elected by the Board of Governors. The Executive Steering Committee prioritizes recommendations, reviews Expressions of Interest, and decides which projects are funded in the fairest manner possible and in accordance with the SCCOOS mission. The committee also meets to formulate scopes of work documented in the Operational Plan and advises our Board of Governors on technical manners and strategic planning.

Executive Steering Committee members

Board Executive Committee

The Board Executive Committee, a four-member subset of the Board of Governors, represents the Board of Governors when quick decisions are needed. The Board Executive Committee is elected by the Board of Governors and consists of a Chair, Past-Chair, Chair-elect, and one other member.

Board Executive Committee members 

Joint Strategic Advisory Committee

The Joint Strategic Advisory Committee (JSAC) provides guidance for SCCOOS and CeNCOOS (the Central and Northern California Ocean Observing System) operation and planning efforts. The JSAC connects Ocean Observing to stakeholders within the region. Working in partnership with Ocean Observing staff, committee members formulate suggestions for the development of decision-making tools and products and serve as Ocean Observing advocates for public outreach and education efforts.

JSAC Members

Board of Governors

Our 13-member governing council meets once a year to discuss our structure and vision to provide guidance to the Executive Director.

Board of Governors list

Principal Investigators

Individuals who contribute to the observing system and the analysis of the data and the development of products are SCCOOS investigators. This is an informal designation that is conferred and updated by the SCCOOS staff with oversight from the Executive Committee. Most but not all investigators are supported by SCCOOS grants either via sub-awards to their institution or via awards to their institution that includes a SCCOOS work component. SCCOOS investigators are expected to represent SCCOOS externally and respond to requests for input, contribute to the scientific progress of SCCOOS, and participate in the annual meeting, grant-writing, and other SCCOOS investigator activities.

PI List