Inflation Reduction Act

IRA Overview

Across a global society, emergent patterns of broad climatological variation are felt, measured & understood most profoundly along the coast.
Our communities who endure a disproportionately high intensity of impact are also underserved resources, education, and access to the information necessary for planning adaptation strategies.
The Inflation Reduction Act provides a critical modernization to the capacity and relevance of our California Ocean Observing System.
End to End Diagram

Topic Area 1: Growing a More Resilient and Equitable Southern California Coastal Ocean Observing System

Equitable Service Delivery (ESD)

Build trust with underserved communities at the frontlines

Foster a sense of belonging and coastal stewardship

Building Regional Coastal Climate Resilience

Establish collaborations

Adaptive and flexible strategies + integration of multiple knowledge systems

Build capactiy of observations in support of ecosystem prediction

Future Proofing and Modernization

Build capacity for SCCOOS to be dynamic in capturing marine stressors driving change

Improve management response times and long-term adaptation for coastal vulnerable communities

Novel Data and Model Synthesis

Develop ecosystem indicators to facilitate diagnosis of climate change within the ecosystem

Co-design with coastal managers and communities

Create new pathways for accessibility of timely ocean and coastal information

Assessment of Ecosystem Change

Collaborate with community partners to identify needs for ecosystem information

Assemble data information products tailored for regional-to-national regulatory needs

Water level, Wave, and Webcam Coastal Resilience

Coast-efficient coastal monitoring for coastal hazard information

Maximize collective value of observations and collective sense of ownership

Establish common standards of data management and practices

Optimizing Product Development and Delivery

Establish iterative engagement with the community

Develop strategies to regionally co-design with stakeholders

Incorporate community needs into fit for purpose ocean products

Equitable Service Delivery (ESD)

Develop recommendations to optimize IOOS and strengthen its workforce

Revitalize national frameworks for community engagement

Develop cross-regional metrics for measuring ESD in coastal ocean and the Great Lakes